WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper x 1 6 February 2009 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY FOR DECISION Title: RESULTS OF CONSULTATION ON 2ND MODIFICATIONS TO DEPOSIT LOCAL PLAN Prepared by: Karen Major, Planning Officer Purpose To update the Committee on the results of the consultation on the 2nd modifications to the Cairngorms National Park Deposit Local Plan and agree the next steps towards Local Plan Inquiry. Recommendations That the Planning Committee: 1. Formally note the responses to the consultation on the 2nd Modifications to the Deposit Local Plan and the next steps towards the Local Plan Inquiry. Executive Summary The Cairngorms National Park Authority has a duty to prepare Local Plans for the Park and has been engaged in Local Plan preparation since September 2004. A series of 2nd modifications to the Plan were published on 7th November 2008 and closed on 19th December 2009. The responses to these changes are appended, and the report now asks the Board to note the responses, and confirm that no further modifications are proposed to the Plan. It also seeks to agree the next steps to take the plan towards Local Plan Inquiry. RESULTS OF THE CONSULTATION ON 2ND MODIFICATIONS TO THE DEPOSIT LOCAL PLAN – FOR DECISION Background 1. The Cairngorms National Park Authority was established in September 2003. The Designation Order for the Park (S.S.I. 2003/1) conferred the duty to prepare Local Plans under the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 to the Park Authority. The National Park Authority publicised its intention to prepare the Local Plan in 2004. 2. Following extensive consultation and subsequent amendment, a 2nd set of modifications were subject to public consultation during November and December 2008, and the results of this have now been analysed. 79 responses have been received, 49 from new objectors, relating to all the 2nd modifications. The full written responses are appended to this report. 3. The majority of objections relate to the change to the % requirement to Policy 21 Affordable Housing, the inclusion of an additional policy regarding Gypsies/Travellers and Travelling Show people, confusion regarding the renumbering of the policies in regard to policies following the new policy 30, and the general consultation process followed. In total 334 issues have been raised, some of which are new objections, and some relate to the previous wording which has been retained. 4. The responses received have been considered, and it is not proposed to include any further modifications to the plan prior to the Local Plan inquiry. Whilst ongoing negotiations and discussions continue, at this point, it is not proposed to formalise these into the production of any 3rd modifications, but rather have the issues discussed and fully considered through the inquiry process. Next stages to follow prior to commencement of Local Plan Inquiry 5. In light of the analysis and recommendation that no further modifications be placed on deposit, the next step towards the adoption of the Local Plan is the consideration of outstanding objections at the Local Plan Inquiry. 6. The inquiry, to be commenced in May 2009 will be the next formal stage where objections are considered. To prepare for this we will continue to liaise with objectors on the precise nature of their outstanding objections, and the nature by which they wish those objections to be considered, the options being by written representations, by informal hearing or by formal inquiry. We will also continue to seek acceptable solutions to objections where possible, and will endeavour to go into the inquiry with as many objections with an agreed position between the National Park Authority and the objectors as possible. To give a clear indication of the officer position going into the Inquiry a final report will be submitted to the Committee on 6th March 2009 to remind members of previous analysis of objections and add any further comments or views which will influence the statements presented at the Inquiry. 7. Once a finalised date for the commencement of the inquiry, we will also ensure all advertisements and notifications are carried out in line with the regulations and Circular guidance on Local Plan Inquiries. Recommendation 8. That the Planning Committee formally note the responses to the consultation on the 2nd Modifications to the Deposit Local Plan and the next steps towards the Local Plan Inquiry. Financial Implications for the Park Authority 9. The budget for publication and consultation on the Local Plan is planned for in the operational plan. Karen Major 23rd January 2009 karenmajor@cairngorms.co.uk